














This month millions of American kids can forget about classroom bells and set off for grandparents' homes,sleep­away camps and lifeguard stands.But summer vacation hasn't always been a birthright of U.S.schoolchildren.Before the Civil War,schools operated on one of two calendars (日历),neither of which included a summer vacation.Rural (农村的)schooling was divided into summer and winter terms,leaving kids free to help with the farm work in the spring planting and fall harvest seasons.Urban students,meanwhile,regularly had as many as 48 weeks of study a year,with one break per quarter.



What did the rural school calendar before the Civil War allow children to do?

A.Enjoy a summer vacation.       B.Take a break each quarter.

C.Have 48 weeks of study a year.       D.Assist their parents with farm work.

[谜底] D



Mandara seemed to know something big was about to happen.So she let out a yell,caught hold of her 2­year­old daughter Kibibi and climbed up into a tree.She lives at the National Zoo in Washington,D.C.

And on Tuesday,August 23rd,witnesses said she seemed to sense the big earthquake that shook much of the East Coast before any humans knew what was going on.And she's not the only one.In the moments before the quake,an orangutan (猩猩)let out a loud call and then climbed to the top of her shelter.

“It's very different from their normal call,”said Brandie Smith,the zookeeper.“The lemurs (monkey like animals of Madagascar)will sound an alarm if they see or hear something highly unusual.”

But you can't see or hear an earthquake 15 minutes before it happens,can you? Maybe you can—if you're an animal.

“Animals can hear above and below our range of hearing,”said Brandie Smith.“That's part of their special abilities.They're more sensitive to the environment,which is how they survive.”

1.Why did Mandara act strangely one day?

A.Because it sensed something unusual would happen.       B.Because its daughter Kibibi was injured.

C.Because it heard an orangutan let out a loud call.       D.Because an earthquake had happened.

2.According to Brandie Smith,        

A.many animals' hearing is sharp       B.earthquakes produce two types of waves

C.primates usually gather together before a quake D.humans can also develop the ability to sense a quake








Information on the highlight of the celebration,including but not limited to the opportunity to go out for BBQ and camping at Botantic Garden is published at:https://www.dur.ac.uk/campusperkswhatsnewon/ceremonies.

Where can you check details of the off­campus celebration events?







Educators Miles Kimball and Noah Smith argue that this is a big problem,“Math is the great mental subject of an unconfident American.If we can convince you that anyone can learn math,it should be a short step to convincing you that you can learn just about anything,if you work hard enough.”

According to Miles Kimball and Noah Smith,________.

A.math is a big problem to deal with       B.most Americans don't like math at all

C.math is an important subject at school       D.one can learn anything as long as he works hard



The main reason for this is the drivers,who are called“cabbies”.Many of them are true Cockneys.This means they were born in the heart of London and speak their own special dialect(方言)of English.All of them know every street and famous building in the city,and all of them love to talk.A simple twenty­minute journey across town can become very interesting.You may have a discussion about the government and its leaders or a friendly talk about the driver's Aunty Nellie!One thing is for sure,it will never be boring.Cabbies know all the latest news about film stars,the Royal Family,government leaders,and popular singers or actors and actresses.


From what can we tell that someone is a Cockney?

A.Their interest.

B.Their manners.

C.Their speech.

D.Their appearance.

[谜底] C



Other cultures can be different from ours in many aspects! They can eat different foods and live in different types of houses.People probably speak different languages and have beliefs and customs very different from yours.However,they can also be similar in ways of connecting with each other.We sometimes call these means of communication universal languages.

Some legends hold that,thousands of years ago,there was a single language spoken by everyone on Earth.It is fun to think about a time when everyone may have been able to communicate in the same language though historical evidence does not support this,of course.

Today,there are thousands of languages spoken around the world.Yet,there are some means of communication that go beyond words and allow people of wildly different backgrounds to communicate and share emotions and feelings.For example,some people believe music is a universal language.There may be some scientific support for this idea,too.Experts have learned that,across cultures,people can recognize three common emotions in music: happiness,sadness and fear.

So what other types of universal languages might there be? Some people believe dance is a universal language.Along with music,dancing seems to be a common interest shared by peoples all over the world.Do you think you could see a dance from another culture and make some reasonable guesses about the ideas and emotions behind it? We bet you could!

Another universal language that you might not have thought of is math! If you think about it now,though,it just makes sense.The value of π is roughly 3.14159 no matter where you are on Earth,likewise,figuring out the value of something involves the same mathematical calculations,regardless of whether you're counting in dollars,pesos or coconuts.

1.Why is music regarded as a universal language?

A.It can be enjoyed by people from all walks of life.

B.It can be understood more easily than languages.

C.It usually comes from different backgrounds.

D.It helps people to share common feelings.

2.What are the universal languages according to the passage?

A.Math,English and music.       B.Music,dance and math.

C.History,culture and music.       D.Emotion,song and music.





Cash prizes will be awarded for first,second and third place winners in each of the five categories.Each first place poster goes to the national poster competition.

How many prizes will be awarded in total?

A.3.       B.5.            C.15.         D.20.



Station:Tremont St.& West St.

How much:6 for a 24­hour pass.

How it works:The first 30 minutes are included in the pass;2 for the second 30 minutes;4 for the third 30 minutes;later 8 for every half an hour.

If you visit Boston by riding Hubway bike for 3 hours,you have to pay ________.

A.6        B.30         C.20           D.36





Marc was an unusual child even as a baby.At just six months of age,he would sit through a two­hour classical music concert.By the time he was two,he started to read and sing Beethoven symphonies (交响曲).While his mother thought this was unusual,she did not realize his musical gifts until he was at a friend's party and started to play a nursery rhyme on the piano.

With lessons from his mom and then a professional teacher,Marc's skills improved a lot.By the time he was five,he had learned another musical instrument—the cello(大提琴).When he was just six and a half,he picked up a famous prize—the Davidson Fellowship in Music,which is usually given to musicians 18 or older.

After making his orchestra debut (首次表演)at the age of six,there has been no looking back for this musical genius.He is always travelling,either to perform at concerts or for piano lessons.

Which of the following is the CORRECT order to describe Marc's music career according to the text?

a.He began to learn the cello.

b.He made his orchestra debut.

c.He won the Davidson Fellowship in Music.

d.He started to read and sing Beethoven symphonies.

e.He could sit through a two­hour classical music concert.

A.e­a­b­d­c       B.e­d­a­b­c

C.b­c­e­d­a        D.e­d­a­c­b


A schoolgirl saved her father's life by kicking him in the chest after he suffered a serious allergic (过敏的)reaction which stopped his heart.

Izzy,nine,restarted father Colm's heart by stamping(踩)on his chest after he fell down at home and stopped breathing.

Izzy's mother,Debbie,immediately called 999 but Izzy knew doctors would never arrive in time to save her father,so decided to use CPR.

However,she quickly discovered her arms weren't strong enough,so she stamped on her father's chest instead.

What's the right order of the events?

①Izzy kicked Colm. ②Debbie called 999. ③Izzy learned CPR. ④Colm's heart stopped.

A.③①②④       B.④②③①

C.③④②①       D.④③①②




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  1. 1 那年我们十七岁(那年我们十七岁电影)

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