
Is Your Sales Force Obsolete?
Don’t Just Train. Train and Certify.



This white paper is going to explain some things about the nature of learning and behavior, and why those things matter desperately to salespeople and the companies that employ them. To put the discussion in context, let’s start with a true story.


Call it X Corp. You would recognize its real name. It is a highly respected, multi-billion-dollar company with more than 1,400 business-to-business salespeople worldwide.


On paper, X Corp is a model organization. It has ambitious but realistic goals for continuous growth. It has carefully laid plans to achieve those goals. It has a sophisticated reporting structure and appropriate management systems for a company of its size. It has an effective incentive-based compensation plan for salespeople and sales managers. It has a respected brand and a great marketing operation. Its salespeople thoroughly understand their industry and the technologies that they sell.


X Corp had all the right stuff …except for one thing. It lacked a modern selling process that would foster continuous growth in the skills of its salespeople.


X Corp sent its sales reps to various training programs from time to time, and they picked up some useful techniques. But there was no systematic process–no unifying framework–that allowed the salespeople to adapt to changing conditions, build upon and refine their skills, and keep getting better at their jobs.

X公司曾多次派出销售代表参加各种..项目,他们获得了一些有用的技术。但是没有一个系统化的过程 - 没有统一的框架 - 让销售人员适应不断变化的条件,加强和提炼自己的技能,并不断完善自己的工作。

They grew just so far, and then they hit a plateau–or slid slowly into obsolescence. Those who had been on the job for 15 years didn’t really have 15 years of experience; they had the same year of experience 15 times.


Symptoms of the Problem?


Salespeople were in constant “react” mode when working with customers. When competitors offered lower prices, X Corp’s salespeople saw no option except to match the cut-rate prices, thereby sacrificing margins. They spent their time dealing with trivial problems that kept them from selling new accounts and growing existing ones. They wandered from client to client with no productive objectives for their calls–no “Commitment Objectives” for client agreements that would move the sales process forward. They simply responded to whatever came up that day. Their routes had turned into ruts.


These were mostly experienced, veteran salespeople, but they were unproductive and stagnant. Management began to see them not as vital contributors but almost as a necessary evil. The marketing team couldn’t understand why program after program failed to ignite the sales force and drive the ideas that marketing worked so hard to create and communicate. Indeed, due to the disconnect with sales, the marketing budget produced no tangible ROI at all.


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❷ 近期公开课 : 12月 30-31日 深圳

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