






In the vast and beautiful China, Spring Festival is the most representative festival in the vast and beautiful China.

“Beautiful China: A Feast of Folk Spring Festival Gala” short videos. The program selects the video clips of folk traditions, Spring Festival cuisines and Spring Festival galas in the countryside that people in places like Liaoning, Shanxi, Fujian, Sichuan and Zhejiang provinces have enjoyed for years, to show the life of peace and joy in a true and simple style, to convey the good wishes of the Chinese people for life during blessing and gathering.

China National Tourist Office in Singapore invites all to learn the new year traditions, taste the cuisines, and watch the operas. Let’s say goodbye to the old year, and greet the new year with happiness.







When it is the twelfth lunar month (December of the Chinese Lunar New Year), the Chinese who have been busy for a whole year will start to prepare for the new year. Because of regional cultural differences, new year traditions differ in places. Attacking the wall of firecrackers in Fujian, Chinese paper cut and winter hunting in Liaoning, Lion dance on benches and Head Lantern Performance of Wuxiang in Shanxi… All these traditions have been carried on for years. Now let’s have a look at these interesting and unique traditions!



福建太平线面、莆仙红团、辽宁腊八粥、山西枣山、晋祠元宵,看到这些独具地方风味儿的美食,感觉浓浓年味已扑面而来, 而这些都是家的味道,年的味道。

Food is one of the most important part of the Spring Festival in China. The taste of the festival cuisine also passes on the rich and colorful new year traditions. During the Spring Festival, every family in China will prepare all kinds of cuisines. 

Taiping Noodles and Putian red rice cake in Fujian, the Laba congee in Liaoning, Zaoshan bun and glutinous rice dumplings of Jin Temple in Shanxi… Looking at these regional cuisines, we can feel the approaching atmosphere of the Spring Festival. These are the tastes of home and the Spring Festival.

  1. 上一篇:愿新年,胜旧年。
  2. 下一篇:扎西德勒!
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