

As retail stores have evolved from mere sales venues to experience spaces, the quality of store design has become a crucial element. Excellent retail store design must be visually pleasing while also having the ability to accurately convey the brand's core concepts to customers. By creating engaging pre-experiences, this design can resonate with consumers and have a positive impact on consumer decision-making.

EuroShop中国零售设计奖(ERDA China) 2023正式开放报名,和一众行业专家及零售人士一路,寻找最佳零售门店设计。

The registration for the EuroShop China Retail Design Award (ERDA China) 2023 is now open. Join industry experts and retail professionals to seek out the best retail store designs.

「Hi设计」作为计谋支撑媒体将与ERDA China 一路配合揭开2023年度中国零售设计奖的序幕。

As a strategic supporting media, "Hi Design" will work with ERDA China to unveil the opening of the 2023 China Retail Design Awards.

EuroShop 中国零售设计奖(ERDA China)由 EuroShop 零售设计奖衍生而来,后者由欧洲畅通联盟零售业研究院和杜塞尔多夫展览集体联手打造,是 EuroShop Trade Fairs 系列展会的同期运动之一。自2008年起,ERDA每年会从来自全球的浩瀚申请中甄选出三个建筑、色彩、材料、照明和视觉..元素连系最完美,产物理念传递最清楚,对客户最具吸引力的门店设计作品。

ERDA China (EuroShop RetailDesign Award China) is derived from ERDA which is one of the supporting programs of EuroShop Trade Fairs. ERDA is organized by Messe Düsseldorf GmbH and EHI since 2008 to award the most compelling store concepts from all candidates. A well-honed mix of store architecture, colours, materials, lighting and visual merchandising, the clear communication of the product range as well as direct means of appealing to customers are key criteria for the jury of experts.

考虑到中国零售业在飞速成长中所形成的奇特的模式,我们稀奇设立EuroShop 中国零售设计奖(ERDA China),面向中国境内的精良设计作品,采用更适配中国特色的评价系统,在原有国际评审的根蒂上邀请国内权势人士到场,以此承认并激励中国的精良设计,促进国表里的设计交流,匡助中国设计走向世界。

As the Chinese retail industry has formed its own pattern with Chinese characteristics during its development, one set of criteria is no longer the optimal assessment for retail designs in both China and other countries, we establish ERDA China for the unique needs of the Chinese retail industry, and invite more domestic experts to join the jury and crown the outstanding store designs in China.

EuroShop 中国零售设计奖将由专人对所有的报名作品进行初审,选拔出20个提名作品入围后续的评选。经由专家评审和公共评审两个阶段,最终评选出获奖的三个最佳作品。

The EuroShop China Retail Design Award will be pre-screened by a panel of experts, selecting 20 nominated works to advance to the next round of evaluation. Through two stages of expert evaluation and public evaluation, the final three winning works will be selected.





The projects will be shown to 10+ expert judges and 100+ retail brand judges.

提名作品将在China in-store 2023展会现场的设计师专区,以海报墙的形式集中展示,最大化行业曝光度,挖掘潜在贸易机会;

Nominated projects will be displayed in the form of poster wall in the designer zone of China In-Store 2023 exhibition site which can maximize industry exposure and discover potential business opportunities.

提名作品的视频介绍(约1分钟摆布)将在China in-store官方视频号中予以发布;

The project video (around 1 minute) will be published on China in-Store WeChat Video Channel.

主创团队将有机会获得赛后专访,访谈实录将发布于China in-store官方微信、网站、及合作媒体..。

The opportunity to be interviewed by the organizer and media, and the interview will be released on China in-store official WeChat, Website and media partners’ platforms.





EuroShop Retail Design Award China trophy and certificate which are endorsed by EuroShop.

获奖团队将免费获得一个China in-store 2023 设计师专区9平米展位一个(价格25,992元);

A free 9sqm booth in China in-store 2023 Designer Village (value RMB 25,992).

获奖项目负责人将受邀在China in-store 2023设计师论坛向在场的设计师与零售人士分享项目经验及亮点 ,且由主办方承担该演讲嘉宾的往返交通及一晚住宿费用;

Keynote speech at China in-store 2023 Designer Village, sharing experiences and project highlights to professional retailers. The organizer will provide local travel expenses and one night's accommodation for the speaker.


The project will be nominated directly for the final round of assessment of EuroShop Retail Design Award.

获奖项目主创团队将接管展会官方媒体的专访,专访内容将在China in-store全渠道,媒体..及EuroShop 3|6|5 发布,面向国表里的零售人士。

The project team will be interviewed by official media partners, and the interview will be released on China in-store official WeChat, Website, media partners’ platforms and EuroShop 3|6|5.

征稿阶段:2023年08月16日 - 9月30日


Call for entries: 2023.08.01-09.30 

Participants should submit projects that fulfill relevant criteria.

大赛初审:2023年10月10日 - 10月31日


Preliminary assessment: 2023.10.10-10.31

Organizer will work with media partners to conduct a preliminary assessment of entries, 20 projects will be nominated for next round.

品牌评审:2023年11月01日 - 11月10日

由100位来自品牌商、购物中心、视觉..的China in-store专业观众所构成的品牌评审团将对作品进行自力评分。

Brand jury assessment: 2023.11.01-11.10

A brand jury composed of 100 China in-store professional visitors from renowned retailers, shopping malls, and consulting agencies will independently assess the entries.

专家评审:2023年10月11日 - 10月17日


Expert jury assessment: 2023.10.11-10.17

An independent panel of more than 11 local and international experts will assess the finalists.



Award ceremony: 2023.11.29

The top-three ranking winners for ERDA China will be selected among the submitted projects.




The projects should be physical retail stores (such as brand stores, concept stores, shopping malls etc.) that has been open for business in China since January 2022. This competition accepts project-based submissions. Entries may be submitted by retailers and designers. One applicant may submit up to 3 projects.


点击「原文阅读」下载参赛 《 EuroShop中国零售设计奖参赛报名表

Please click 「原文阅读」 to download the registration form


完整填写双语报名表并预备 5-20 张项目实景图片, 按空间划分定名,图片精度≥300dpi且尺寸≤5M。

Complete the registration form and prepare 5-20 project real-life images (image resolution ≥ 300dpi, size ≤ 5M). 


A video up to 3 minutes, MP4 format.



Compress all required materials into one file and send it to c-in-store@mds.cn through WeTransfer




PS: The file should be named as the project title plus the full name of the applicant


作为EuroShop在华官方卫星展,China in-store上海国际商号设计与解决方案博览会一向致力于呈现有设计脑筋的商号解决方案。除展览以外,China in-store将陆续EuroShop Trade Fairs促进全球零售人士交流的初心,按期组织各类线上线下运动,如EuroShop 中国零售设计奖(ERDA China)、City Talk(China in-store 沙龙运动)等,为零售业人士带来更多的灵感,供应更大的施展空间。




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